S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Gestational diabetes and intra uterine fetal death complication in a tertiary health facility
Dr. Affi Ayuba, Mutihir Josiah, Dr. Dalili Shabbal, Dr. Pam Stephen, Dr. Longwap AS
Int. J. Gynaecology Sci., 2019; 1(1): 01-04
2 |
Hemi-hysterectomy: A novel approach for placenta accrete syndrome
Dr. Urvashi Miglani, Dr. Deepika DNB, Dr. Poonam Laul, Dr. Neeta Bindal
Int. J. Gynaecology Sci., 2019; 1(1): 05-06
3 |
A case report on rectus abdominis muscle endometriosis
Dr. Akkamamba, Dr. M Shonima Alfons
Int. J. Gynaecology Sci., 2019; 1(1): 07-09
4 |
Frequency and factors for low birth weight in northern Tanzania: A retrospective cohort study
Osward Mwalukasa, Blandina T Mmbaga, Elizabeth K Danstan, Clifford S Tarimo, Michael J Mahande
Int. J. Gynaecology Sci., 2019; 1(1): 10-16
5 |
Can we use ca-125 as a biomarker for prediction of occurrence of severe pre-eclampsia in the third trimester of pregnancy?
Ahmed Alanwar, Walid Abdelhady
Int. J. Gynaecology Sci., 2019; 1(1): 17-21
6 |
Clinical presentations of ovarian tumour: A study in a tertiary care hospital
Dr. Ferdous Ara Banu, Merina khanam, Dr. Shahidul Islam, Md Hasan, Dr. Sharmin Chowdhury
Int. J. Gynaecology Sci., 2019; 1(1): 22-25